Your Story matters.
70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. That's 223.4 million people. More than 33% of youths exposed to community violence will experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a very severe reaction to traumatic events.
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Sharing one's story of abuse or trauma can have several benefits. Here are some statistics and findings related to the benefits of sharing one's story:
Improved Mental Health: According to a study published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, individuals who shared their trauma story in a supportive environment experienced greater improvements in their symptoms of depression and anxiety than those who did not share their story.
Reduced Physical Symptoms: Sharing one's trauma story has also been linked to reduced physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, and chronic pain. A study published in the Journal of Traumatic Stress found that individuals who disclosed their abuse history to a healthcare provider experienced fewer physical symptoms than those who did not disclose.
Increased Self-Esteem: Sharing one's story of abuse or trauma can also lead to increased self-esteem and feelings of empowerment. A study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence found that survivors who disclosed their abuse to others reported feeling more confident and positive about themselves.
Improved Relationships: Sharing one's story of trauma can also improve relationships with others. A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology found that disclosing abuse to a partner or family member led to greater levels of intimacy and communication within the relationship.
Reduction in Shame and Stigma: Sharing one's story of abuse or trauma can help reduce feelings of shame and stigma. A study published in the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation found that disclosing abuse to a supportive individual led to a reduction in feelings of self-blame and shame.
Sharing one's story of abuse or trauma can have several benefits, including improved mental health, reduced physical symptoms, increased self-esteem, improved relationships, and reduced shame and stigma. However, it is important to note that disclosing one's trauma can be a difficult and personal decision, and it is important to seek support from a trained mental health professional.
If you feel you may be at risk of retraumatization, please consider NOT sharing your story, but rather seek a therapist from our Counselors tab at the top of the screen.
Individuals that have shared their story have provided permission to display on this page.
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