Cross Cutting Symptoms Measure

Instructions: The questions below ask about things that might have bothered you. For each question, circle the number that best describes how much (or how often) you have been bothered by each problem during the past TWO (2) WEEKS.

During the past TWO (2) WEEKS, how much (or how often) have you been bothered by the following problems?

Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure - Adult

Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure - Adult

1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things?

2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?

3. Feeling more irritated, grouchy, or angry than usual?

4. Sleeping less than usual, but still have a lot of energy?

5. Starting lots more projects than usual or doing more risky things than usual?

6. Feeling nervous, anxious, frightened, worried, or on edge?

7. Feeling panic or being frightened?

8. Avoiding situations that make you anxious?

9. Unexplained aches and pains (e.g., head, back, joints, abdomen, legs)?

10. Feeling that your illnesses are not being taken seriously enough?

11. Thoughts of actually hurting yourself?

12. Hearing things other people couldn’t hear, such as voices when no one was around?

13. Feeling that someone could hear your thoughts, or that you could hear what another person was thinking?

14. Problems with sleep that affected your overall sleep quality?

15. Problems with memory (e.g., learning new information) or with location (e.g., finding your way home)?

16. Unpleasant thoughts, urges, or images that repeatedly enter your mind?

17. Feeling driven to perform certain behaviors or mental acts over and over again?

18. Feeling detached or distant from yourself, your body, your physical surroundings, or your memories?

19. Not knowing who you really are or what you want out of life?

20. Not feeling close to other people or enjoying your relationships with them?

21. Drinking at least 4 drinks of any kind of alcohol in a single day?

22. Smoking any cigarettes, a cigar, or pipe, or using snuff or chewing tobacco?

23. Using any of the following medicines ON YOUR OWN, that is, without a doctor's prescription, in greater amounts or longer than prescribed?

The severity thresholds in the code provided are as follows, based on the DSM-5 guidelines:

  1. Depression (Questions 1 & 2): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  2. Anger (Question 3): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  3. Mania (Questions 4 & 5): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  4. Anxiety (Questions 6, 7, & 8): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  5. Somatic Symptoms (Questions 9 & 10): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  6. Suicidal Ideation (Question 11): Slight or greater (score ≥ 1)
  7. Psychosis (Questions 12 & 13): Slight or greater (score ≥ 1)
  8. Sleep Problems (Question 14): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  9. Memory (Question 15): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  10. Repetitive Thoughts and Behaviors (Questions 16 & 17): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  11. Dissociation (Question 18): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  12. Personality Functioning (Questions 19 & 20): Mild or greater (score ≥ 2)
  13. Substance Use (Questions 21, 22, & 23): Slight or greater (score ≥ 1)

Summary of Thresholds:

  • Mild or greater (score ≥ 2) is used for most domains, meaning if a participant scores 2 or higher on any question within a domain, it indicates elevated symptoms.
  • Slight or greater (score ≥ 1) is used for domains like Suicidal Ideation, Psychosis, and Substance Use, where even slight concerns warrant further inquiry.

Example Logic for Displaying Results:

If the score for Depression (based on questions 1 and 2) is 2 or higher, the feedback will indicate elevated depression symptoms. Similarly, if the score for Suicidal Ideation (question 11) is 1 or higher, it will display concerns about suicidal ideation.

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